What does contemporary European literature sound like? What is happening in Poland, Boznia & Hertzegovina, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Italy or Cyprus? Literature knows no borders, when eight European poets and prosaists tour in Norway from 9nd of May til 14th of May.
The authors touring in Norway are: Teemu Manninen (FIN), Aase Berg (SWE), Ondrej Buddeus (CZE), Odile Kennel (GER), Barbi Markovic (SRB), Markus Köhle (AUT), Maxime Coton (BEL) and Vakis Loizides (CYP).
On 11th of May The OMNIBUS tour organizes a reading at Coffee Annan in Trondheim with its eight authors. During the evening the authors perform their texts in their own language. Norwegian translations will be available.
The OMNIBUS tour circles around Europe for 12 weeks during the spring and summer 2016. The tour starts in Helsinki and ends in Cyprus. During the journey, over 100 authors from 37 different countries will participate the events.
The reading is free of charge! Welcome!
The reading is organized with the help of Norsk Forfattersentrum Midt-Norge // The Norwegian Writer`s Centre and Kultursenteret ISAK // ISAK centre.
(Creating Other Ways of Dissemination) is an innovative and crucial key to Europe’s independent literary scene. CROWD is a decentralised, self-governing, non-profit network, facilitating exchange and contact between nationally and internationally active authors, translators, event organizers, promoters, cultural administrations, etc. focused on contemporary literary trends. The project’s aim is to connect independent literary workers and people interested of literature, at a grassroots level.
The CROWD OMNIBUS tour is coordinated by four different literary organizations from all over Europe; Lettrétage from Germany, Nuoren Voiman Liitto from Finland, Ideogramma from Cyprus and Forum Stadtpark from Austria. Every one of the four partner organizations will host the tour for three weeks with 24 authors. The Scandinavian part of the tour organized by Nuoren Voiman Liitto will circle through 6000 kilometers of northern hemisphere to urban part of the Sweden and Denmark.
Barbi Markovic (b. 1980 Serbia)
born in Belgrade in 1980. Studied German philology in Belgrade and Vienna. In Belgrade she worked as an editor in the Rende publishing house. This is also where her first book Izlaženje (Going out) was published in 2006. In 2009 the German translation of her first book was published by Suhrkamp Verlag (German title: Ausgehen). After that she has been also working as a playwriter. At the moment she is working on a theater play, the work being supported by the Wiener Wortstätten. In spring 2016 her novel Superheldinnen (Superheroines) will be published by the Residenz Verlag.
Markus Köhle (b. 1975 Austria)
is an Austrian author and performer. He lives in Vienna. Since 2001 he has been active as literary author, critic and organizer and host of literary events of a diverse nature. In addition to all kinds of readings and performances, he also visits schools, universities and cultural venues in Austria and all over the world.
Odile Kennel (b. 1967)
is the child of a German-French town twinning programme and was brought up bilingually. She lives in Berlin as an author and poetry translator from French, Portuguese, Spanish and English. She has published both prose and poetry and her most recent publication was the collection oder wie heißt diese interplanetare Luft (or what is this interplanetary air called) in 2013.
Teemu Manninen (b. 1977 Finland)
is a poet, a translator and a literary critic from Helsinki, Finland. He has published five collections of award-winning poetry and has edited two books on contemporary Finnish poetry. His poems have developed from an experimentalism concerned with the themes of catastrophy to verse in classical forms questioning the possibility of our rootedness in being. His work has been translated into Swedish, German, English, Italian and Russian. He is a member of the acclaimed co-operative poetry publisher Poesia and writes reviews for the major newspaper Helsingin Sanomat.
Ondrej Buddeus (b. 1984 Czech)
is a poet, editor and translator. Since 2011, he published several book projects in a variety of genres (from poetry collection, conceptual and collaborative project to children`s book) and his work has been translated into several languages. He co-curated the anthology project DISPLEJ.eu (2014) on contemporary German, Slovak and Czech poetry.
In 2011, Buddeus published his first text collection, 55 007 characters with spaces, a picture book for adults, Orangutan in captivity tends towards obesity (in collaboration with Napoli), and a multi-genre conceptual project, a me (2012/2014). His poetry often deals and plays with roles and identities
Aase Berg (b. Sweden)
is a poet and literature critic who lives in Njutånger and Stockholm. He has written for Swedish literature magazines 10TAL and Bonniers Litterära Magasin. At the moment she writes for newspaper Dagens Nyheter and makes essays for Swedish Radio.
Berg’s first collection of poems Hos Rådjur was published in 1997. Her poetry is characterized by rich use of visual, suggestive and hallucinative elements. After that Berg has published a triology of pregnancy and motherhood. Later on she has also used feminist themes in her works.
Maxime Coton (b. 1986 Belgium)
writes poetries and shoots short movies. In 2011 he was awarded the Poésyvelines-Price and the Georges Locken Price of the Academy for french language and literature in Belgium. In 2014 his work „L’imparfait des langues” was published by Arbre à paroles. Maxime Coton was also awarded a grant for a one month residency (August 2015) at the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin from the French Association of Belgium, supported by the Association of the Wallonie in Berlin.
In his work, Coton combines his poetry with music and sound performances (band with saxophone, bass and guitar + spoken word). He collaborates with various magazines and works also as a teacher for film.
Vakis Loizides (b. 1965 Greece)
is a Greek poet and literary critic. He studied Political Economy in Greece with postgraduate studies in the U.K. He published 8 collections of poetry, the first one Poetry and collage in 1995, and the latest one Gōteborg in 2014. He is the editor of the Anthology of Young Cypriot Poets “Cyprus after '90”. He participated in several literature festivals and events in Cyprus and Europe. He also publishes essays for art and poetry in art and literature magazines in Greece and Cyprus. Loizides sees that he, as an author, is only a small part of the poetry he creates and the audience itself is a co-author. His work gets to the full potential in the reader’s mind.
Vad händer med nutidens europeiska litteratur? Vad händer i Finnland, i Tyskland, i Serbien, i Österrike, i Sverige, i Belgien, i Cypern och i Tjeckien?
Litteraturen har inga gränser när åtta europeiska författarna rundar i Norge från 9:e maj till 14:e maj.
På 11:e maj, OMNIBUS turné arrangeras en läsning på Coffee Annan i Trondheim. I läsningen våra åtta författarna ska läsa deras texter på deras egna språk. Translationer på norska är tillhanda.
Författarna som rundar i Norge är: Teemu Manninen (FIN), Aase Berg (SWE), Ondrej Buddeus (CZE), Odile Kennel (GER), Barbi Markovic (SRB), Markus Köhle (AUT), Maxime Coton (BEL) and Vakis Loizides (CYP)
CROWD OMNIBUS turné är en del av en stor turné som rundar i Europa för tolv veckor i vår och i sommar 2016. Den tourné börjar från Helsinki och ändar i Cypern i slutet av juli. Under den tiden tourné åker genom 37 olika länder och över 50 städer med cirka 100 olika författarna!
CROWD (CReating Other Ways of Dissemination) är ett nytt sätt att se europeiskt självständigt litteratur scen. CROWD är en decentraliserad, självstyrande och ideell nätverk. Den nätverk vill att underlätta utbyte och kontakt mellan aktiva nationella och internationella författarna, översättarna, evenemang arrangörer, promoter, kulturella förvaltningar osv., med en fokus på nutidens litterära trends. Ett syfte av den projekt är att sammankoppla litterära arbetare och människor intresserad av litteratur på en gräsrot nivå.
CROWD OMNIBUS turné är koordinerad av Lettrétage från Tyskland, Nuoren Voiman Liitto från Finland, Ideogramma från Cypern och Forum Stadtpark från Österrike. Alla av denna fyra samarbetarna ska organisera tre veckor turné med 24 författarna. Den nordiska del av turné är organiserad av Nuoren Voiman Liitto och den rundar över 600 kilometers av norra hemisfär och ändar i urban del av Sverige och Danmark.
Inga inträde! Välkomna!
Läsningen är organiserad i samarbete med Norsk Forfattersentrum Midt-Norge og Kultursenteret ISAK.
Mera av CROWD:
Websida: http://crowd-literature.eu/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/crowdliterature
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/crowd.literature
Följa den turné i sociala medier med hashtag #crowdlitbus
Partners i CROWD -turné:
Nuoren Voiman Liitto
Lettrétage - das Literaturhaus in Berlin Kreuzberg
CROWD OMNIBUS turné är sponsrad av:
Creative Europe
Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö (Ministry of Culture and Education of Finland)
Nordiska kulturfonden - Nordisk Kulturfond
Kulturkontakt Nord
Goethe-Institut Norwegen
Statens Kunstfond / The Danish Arts Foundation
ISAK Kultursenteret, Prinsens gate 44